Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of plant 1986S-0120_1 [8]

Acer carpinifolium (ムクロジ科)

Japanese name: チドリノキ

Accession: 1986S-0120 [8] Show this accession

Acc_qual: 1

alt_id: A184, 357

Cur_check_date: 2006-09-15

cur_location: ケミレスタウン (CHEM) [3]

cur_condition: Removed

cur_num_plts: 1

Current check note:


Update Information: Created: 2009-11-14 04:33; Updated: 2020-09-03 08:57


2006-09-15 ケミレスタウン (CHEM) 1 Removed Given away to 風のみどり塾 to make room for the Chemless Town. Show Edit
2005-05 ケミレスタウン (CHEM) 1 Alive A184, 357 Show Edit

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