Details of location
loc_code: H05
location: H05-5号ハウス
description: 旧バラハウス(東側)
campus: 松戸
structure: 軽量鉄骨
cover_material: フッ素系フィルム
built_date: 1997
heating: 無加温
Top & side vents: top_vent: 手動; side_vent: 手動
Front width x side length x eave height (cm):
740 × 1800 × 180
Side vent dimension (height x width): 150
users: 國分(系統保存)
Update Information: Created: 2013-12-27 20:33 by; Updated: 2021-06-06 05:35 by
Plants of this location: 5 individuals List these plants