Details of genus: Sisyrinchium L. [925]
# spp.:
accepted: Accepted
Family: Iridaceae
family_ja: アヤメ
Infra familial classification:
description_en: Genus of about 90 species of annuals and rhizomatous perennials, some of which are semi-evergreen. Native to North and South America (although some are widely naturalized elsewhere), they thrive in habitats ranging from mountainous areas to meadows and coastal sands. They produce clumps of linear to sword-shaped, mostly basal leaves, often forming fans. In spring and summer, upright, often winged stems bear star-, cup-, or shallowly trumpet-shaped, blue, yellow, mauve, white, or rarely pink flowers, either singly or in umbel-like clusters of 2-8; each cluster is enclosed in a pair of spathe bracts. Grow smaller species in a rock garden or gravel planting, taller species in a herbaceous border. In frost-prone areas, grow half-hardy plants in a cool greenhouse or alpine house. Some species self-seed freely. A few species, especially the larger perennials, are shallow rooted, and may die suddenly after several years.
hardiness_en: Fully hardy to half hardy.
propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in a cold frame in autumn or early spring. Divide in spring.
pests_en: May be affected by root rot outdoors, and infested by aphids and red spider mites under glass.
comment: America
comment_ja: ニワゼキショウ
Phylogenetic definition:
Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2020-09-04 03:56
System | Accepted? | Scientific name | Japanese name | Infra-familial classification | # species | |
APG4 | Iridaceae | アヤメ科 | Show | |||
PB2 | Iridaceae | アヤメ科 | Show | |||
PB3 | Iridaceae | アヤメ科 | Show |