Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Spiraea L. [79]

genus_ja: シモツケ


# spp.: 112

pub_year: 1753

accepted: Accepted

Family: Rosaceae

family_ja: バラ

Infra familial classification: Subfamily Amygdaloideae: Tribe Spiraeeae

data_sourceKind of informationNote
Kew Gardens (2017) Plants of the world online (POWO). Accessed on 19 Jan 2024Scientific name & others Show this data_source
邑田・米倉 (2013) 維管束植物分類表Japanese common name Show this data_source

distribution_en: Temp. Northern Hemisphere

description_en: Genus of about 80 species of deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs found in rocky places, thickets, woodland, at woodland margins, and on riverbanks, widely distributed in N. temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, including Mexico. The alternate leaves are entire, toothed, or lobed, and are decorative in some species. Spiraeas are cultivated mainly for their terminal, umbel-like racemes, panicles, cymes, or corymbs of small, mostly saucer-, cup-, or bowl-shaped, white, yellow, pink, or purple flowers; these are 0.5-1cm (1/4-1/2in) across, or sometimes slightly larger, and profusely borne in spring or summer. Grow in a mixed or shrub border. Compact spiraeas are ideal for a rock garden; use low-growing variants of S. japonica as ground cover; use taller spiraeas as informal hedging.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy, although new growth on early-flowering species and cultivars may be damaged by late frosts.


propagation_en: Take greenwood cuttings in summer. Divide suckering species, such as S. x billiardii and S. douglasii, in late autumn or early spring.

pests_en: Trouble free.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Spiraea (スピラエア)

2019 edition

C Level
Family バラ
テマリシモツケは Physocarpus

2003 edition

B Level
Family バラ

1986 edition

B Level
Family バラ


comment_ja: シモツケ,ユキヤナギ,コデマリ,シジミバナ


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2024-01-19 08:17 by


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
PB2 Rosaceae バラ科 Subfamily Amygdaloideae Show
PB3 Rosaceae バラ科 Subfamily Amygdaloideae Show
APG4 Accepted Rosaceae バラ科 Subfamily Amygdaloideae: Tribe Spiraeeae 112 Show

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