Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Campsis Lour. [521]


genus_en: Trumpet creeper, Trumpet vine

# spp.:


accepted: Accepted

Family: Bignoniaceae

family_ja: ノウゼンカズラ

Infra familial classification:

distribution_en: E.Asia, E. U.S.

description_en: Genus of 2 species of vigorous, woody, deciduous climbers, usually climbing by aerial roots, found in woodland in China and North America. They have opposite, pinnate leaves, with ovate leaflets, and showy, trumpet-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers, 6-8cm (2 1/2-3in) long, borne in terminal panicles or cymes from late summer to autumn. Train against a wall, fence, or pillar, or on a tree.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost hardy.


propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in a cold frame in autumn. Root leaf-bud cuttings in spring or semi-ripe cuttings in summer. Graft or insert root cuttings in winter.

pests_en: Powdery mildew, leaf spot, scale insects, mealybugs, and whiteflies may be a problem.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Campsis (カンプシス)

2019 edition

B Level
Family ノウゼンカズラ

2003 edition

B Level
Family ノウゼンカズラ

1986 edition

C Level
Family ノウゼンカズラ


comment_ja: ノウゼンカズラ


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2022-03-09 15:20


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Bignoniaceae ノウゼンカズラ科 Show
PB2 Bignoniaceae ノウゼンカズラ科 Show
PB3 Bignoniaceae ノウゼンカズラ科 Show

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