Details of genus: Vriesea Lindley [446]
# spp.:
accepted: Accepted
Family: Bromeliaceae
family_ja: パイナップル
Infra familial classification:
description_en: Genus of about 250 species of rosette-forming, evergreen, mostly epiphytic perennials (bromeliads), closely related to Tillandsia. They occur in forested and rocky areas, to 2,500m (8,000ft) high, in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. The mostly lance-shaped or linear leaves have smooth margins, are often finely scaly, and frequently have coloured cross-bands and other markings. Bract-like sheaths, sometimes colourful, are present at the leaf bases. The short-stalked flowers are variously shaped, with petals free or fused into a tube, often shorter than the sepals, each petal with 2 scales at the base on the inner surface; the flowers are usually borne in flattened, 2-ranked, spike-like racemes or panicles, with prominent floral bracts, produced on more or less erect scapes from the centres of the rosettes, in summer or autumn. Where temperatures drop below 15°C (59°F), grow in a warm greenhouse or as houseplants. In tropical gardens, grow epiphytically in a tree, or on mossy rocks.
hardiness_en: Frost tender.
propagation_en: Sow seed at 19-24°C (66-75°F) when ripe. Remove offsets in spring.
pests_en: Susceptible to scale insects.
comment: Trop. America
comment_ja: インコアナナス
Phylogenetic definition:
Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2020-09-04 03:56
System | Accepted? | Scientific name | Japanese name | Infra-familial classification | # species | |
APG4 | Bromeliaceae | パイナップル科 | Show | |||
PB2 | Bromeliaceae | パイナップル科 | Show | |||
PB3 | Bromeliaceae | パイナップル科 | Show |