Details of genus: Aquilegia L. [399]
genus_en: Columbine
# spp.:
accepted: Accepted
Family: Ranunculaceae
family_ja: キンポウゲ
Infra familial classification:
description_en: Genus of about 70 species of clump-forming perennials from meadows, open woodland, and mountainous areas in the N. hemisphere. They produce basal rosettes of long-stalked, deeply 3-lobed or ternate to 3-ternate, often glaucous, blue-green leaves; the leaflets are mostly obovate or rounded, wedge-shaped at the bases, and often shallowly or deeply divided into 2 or 3 lobes. Distinctive, mainly bell-shaped flowers, usually 2.5-10cm (1-4in) long, with colourful tepals and spurred petals, are borne singly or in short panicles on branched, leafy stems. Biedermeier Group, McKana Hybrids, and Mrs. Scott-Elliot Hybrids are all complex hybrids of A. canadensis, A. longissima, A. vulgaris, and possibly also other species. The larger species and cultivars, including A. canadensis and A. vulgaris, are effective in light woodland or in a herbaceous border. Most alpine species, such as A. jonesii and A. saximontana, require sharp drainage and will thrive in a scree bed or alpine house; they prefer cool conditions in summer. Contact with sap may irritate skin.
hardiness_en: Fully hardy.
propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in a cold frame as soon as ripe, or in spring. Seed of alpine species may take 2 years to germinate. All aquilegias self-seed profusely but also hybridize freely. Grown in isolation, A. vulgaris ’Nivea’, ’Nora Barlow’, and Vervaeneana Group cultivars produce a good proportion of true seedlings. Divide named cultivars in spring, although they are slow to recover as the rootstocks resent disturbance.
pests_en: Susceptible to powdery mildew, aphids, leaf miners, sawflies, and caterpillars.
comment: N.temperate
comment_ja: オダマキ
Phylogenetic definition:
Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2020-09-04 03:56
System | Accepted? | Scientific name | Japanese name | Infra-familial classification | # species | |
APG4 | Ranunculaceae | キンポウゲ科 | Show | |||
PB2 | Ranunculaceae | キンポウゲ科 | Show | |||
PB3 | Ranunculaceae | キンポウゲ科 | Show |