Details of genus: Skimmia Thunb. [359]
# spp.:
accepted: Accepted
Family: Rutaceae
family_ja: ミカン
Infra familial classification:
distribution_en: Himalaya, China, Japan
description_en: Genus of 4 species of monoecious or dioecious, occasionally hermaphrodite, evergreen shrubs and trees found in woodland from the Himalayas to S.E. Asia, China, and Japan. They are grown for their attractive leaves, flowers, and fruits. Leaves are alternate, simple, aromatic, obovate to inversely lance-shaped or elliptic, and mainly borne in terminal clusters. In spring, they bear terminal panicles of star-shaped flowers, strongly scented in some species, followed, on female and hermaphrodite plants, by fleshy, spherical, red or black fruits. Skimmias are suitable for a shrub border or woodland garden. With dioecious species, both male and female plants are needed to obtain fruit. Skimmias tolerate shade, atmospheric pollution, and neglect. The fruits may cause mild stomach upset if ingested.
hardiness_en: Fully hardy.
propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in a cold frame in autumn. Root semi-ripe cuttings with bottom heat in late summer.
pests_en: Prone to scale insects.
comment_ja: ミヤマシキミ
Phylogenetic definition:
Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2022-03-09 15:20
System | Accepted? | Scientific name | Japanese name | Infra-familial classification | # species | |
APG4 | Rutaceae | ミカン科 | Show | |||
PB2 | Rutaceae | ミカン科 | Show | |||
PB3 | Rutaceae | ミカン科 | Show |