Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Hardenbergia Benth. [334]


genus_en: Coral pea

# spp.:


accepted: Accepted

Family: Fabaceae

family_ja: マメ

Infra familial classification:


description_en: Genus of 3 species of evergreen, twining or trailing climbers occurring in Australia in a diverse range of habitats, from coastal plains to rocky scree in mountainous areas. They have alternate, ovate to lance-shaped leaves, which may be 3-palmate (rarely 5-palmate) or may consist of only 1 leaflet, with the 2 lateral leaflets suppressed. Colourful, small, pea-like flowers are borne, often in profusion, in axillary racemes or occasionally in panicles. In frost-prone areas, grow in a temperate greenhouse or conservatory. In milder climates, use to cover an arbour, pergola, or wall, or grow through large shrubs or small trees.

hardiness_en: Half hardy to frost tender; H. comptoniana may survive short spells down to 0°C (32°F) and H. violacea to -4°C (25°F).


propagation_en: Sow seed at 20°C (68°F) in spring; pre-soak for 24 hours to aid germination. Root softwood cuttings in spring.

pests_en: Prone to red spider mites and aphids under glass.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Hardenbergia (ハーデンベルギア)

2019 edition

B Level
Family マメ

2003 edition

B Level
Family マメ

comment: Australia

comment_ja: ハーデンベルギア


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2020-09-04 03:56


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Fabaceae マメ科 Show
PB2 Fabaceae マメ科 Show
PB3 Fabaceae マメ科 Show

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