Details of genus: Styrax L. [331]
# spp.:
accepted: Accepted
Family: Styracaceae
family_ja: エゴノキ
Infra familial classification:
distribution_en: Medit., SE.Asia, trop America
description_en: Genus of approximately 100 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and small trees found in woodland and thickets in Europe, Asia, and North America, including Mexico. Of graceful habit, they have alternate, short-stalked, variably shaped, entire or toothed leaves. The dainty, nodding, bell-shaped or cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers may be solitary, borne in pendent, terminal or axillary racemes or panicles, or produced in clusters on short branchlets; they appear on the previous year’s wood in spring or summer. Grow in a woodland garden.
hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost hardy.
propagation_en: Sow seed as soon as ripe; keep at 15°C (59°F) for 3 months, then at 0-5°C (32-41°F) for 3 months; keep seedlings frost-free until they are established. Take greenwood cuttings in summer.
pests_en: Trouble free.
comment_ja: エゴノキ,ハクウンボク
Phylogenetic definition:
Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2022-03-09 15:20
System | Accepted? | Scientific name | Japanese name | Infra-familial classification | # species | |
APG4 | Styracaceae | エゴノキ科 | Show | |||
PB2 | Styracaceae | エゴノキ科 | Show | |||
PB3 | Styracaceae | エゴノキ科 | Show |