Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Euphorbia L. [306]


genus_en: Milkweed, Spurge

# spp.: 2046


accepted: Accepted

Family: Euphorbiaceae

family_ja: トウダイグサ

Infra familial classification:


description_en: Very varied genus of about 2,000 species of annuals, biennials, evergreen, semi-evergreen, or herbaceous perennials, deciduous or evergreen subshrubs, shrubs, and trees, and succulents, widely distributed in a range of habitats in temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions. Most have much-reduced, usually male and female floral parts, grouped together into a cyathium; these may be solitary or borne in rounded or pyramidal, terminal or axillary cymes, umbels, or clusters, and are cupped by involucres of long-lasting, yellow, red, purple, brown, or green, fused bracts. Leaves are very variable, and often short-lived. Many euphorbias are suitable for a rock garden, a mixed or shrub border, or a woodland garden. In frost-prone areas, grow tender species in a cool or temperate greenhouse. Succulent species are suitable for a dry, tropical garden, or a warm or temperate greenhouse in frost-prone areas. All parts may cause severe discomfort if ingested; contact with their milky sap may irritate skin.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost tender.


propagation_en: Sow seed of annuals in situ in spring. Sow seed of hardy perennials in containers in a cold frame as soon as ripe or in spring. Divide perennials in early spring, or take basal cuttings in spring or early summer; dip cut surfaces in charcoal or lukewarm water to prevent bleeding. Sow seed of frost-tender succulents as soon as ripe at 15-20°C (59-68°F), or root complete stems, or sections of stems, in spring. Root stem-tip cuttings of shrubby and tree species with bottom heat in spring or early summer.

pests_en: Grey mould (Botrytis) may be a problem. Aphids may also be troublesome on herbaceous euphorbias, and mealybugs on succulent ones. E. cyparissias is susceptible to rust, and E. pulcherrima to whiteflies.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Euphorbia (ユーフォルビア)

2019 edition

C Level
Family トウダイグサ

2003 edition

C Level
Family トウダイグサ

1986 edition

C Level
Family トウダイグサ

comment: Cosmopolitan

comment_ja: トウダイグサ,ポインセチア(poinsettia),ハナキリン


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2022-08-08 11:58 by


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
PB2 Euphorbiaceae トウダイグサ科 Show
PB3 Euphorbiaceae トウダイグサ科 Show
APG4 Accepted Euphorbiaceae トウダイグサ科 2046 Show

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