Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Photinia Lindl. [295]

genus_ja: カナメモチ


# spp.: 33

pub_year: 1821

accepted: Accepted (conserved name)

Family: Rosaceae

family_ja: バラ

Infra familial classification: Subfamily Amygdaloideae: Tribe Maleae: Subtribe Malinae

data_sourceKind of informationNote
Kew Gardens (2017) Plants of the world online (POWO). Accessed on 17 May 2022Scientific name & others Show this data_source
邑田・米倉 (2013) 維管束植物分類表Japanese common name Show this data_source

distribution_en: China to Temp. E. Asia and Tropical Asia, California to NW. Mexico

description_en: Genus of about 60 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and trees found in woodland and thickets from the Himalayas to E. and S.E. Asia. Leaves are alternate, lance-shaped to broadly ovate, and mid- or dark green; evergreen leaves are attractive and glossy, often brightly coloured in shades of red when young; deciduous leaves often colour well in autumn. The small, 5-petalled flowers are saucer- to cup-shaped, and are borne in dense, terminal and axillary, corymb-like panicles, followed by spherical or ovoid, usually red fruits, 0.5-1cm (1/4-1/2in) across. Grow deciduous species in a woodland garden, or as specimens on a lawn; grow ever-greens in a shrub border or among other trees and shrubs. Use P. x fraseri cultivars for hedging. In frost-prone areas, grow evergreen shrubs against a wall or in the shelter of trees.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost hardy. The early growth of P. serratifolia may be damaged by late frosts.


propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in a cold frame in autumn. Root semi-ripe cuttings with bottom heat in summer.

pests_en: May be affected by fireblight. Susceptible to leaf spot and powdery mildew.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Photinia (フォティニア)

2019 edition

B Level
Family バラ
カマツカは現在は Pourthiaea
Stranvaesia を含む

2003 edition

B Level
Family バラ

1986 edition

A Level
Family バラ


comment_ja: Heteromeles, Stranvaesiaを含む


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2024-01-18 11:40 by


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
PB2 Rosaceae バラ科 Subfamily Amygdaloideae Show
PB3 Rosaceae バラ科 Subfamily Amygdaloideae Show
APG4 Accepted (conserved name) Rosaceae バラ科 Subfamily Amygdaloideae: Tribe Maleae: Subtribe Malinae 33 Show

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