Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Zantedeschia Sprengel [276]


genus_en: Arum lily

# spp.:


accepted: Accepted

Family: Araceae

family_ja: サトイモ

Infra familial classification:


description_en: Genus of 6 species of perennials, with tuberous rhizomes, found in moist soils, swamps, or lake margins in southern and E. Africa. They are grown for their unusual, white or brightly coloured spathes, borne in spring and summer. Most bear lance-shaped or narrowly to broadly arrow- or heart-shaped leaves. A number of hybrids have been developed. Elliottiana hybrids have broadly heart-shaped, usually mid- to dark green leaves, most covered with translucent white dots, and usually yellow spathes, 15cm (6in) long, surrounding golden yellow spadices. Rehmannii hybrids have lance-shaped, rarely spotted, mid-to dark green leaves, and white to pink or dark purple spathes, 12cm (5in) long, surrounding yellow spadices. Z. aethiopica may be cultivated as a marginal aquatic. Where temperatures fall below 10°C (50°F), grow less hardy arum lilies in a warm greenhouse or as houseplants, or plant out in summer. All parts may cause mild stomach upset if ingested, and contact with the sap may irritate the skin.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost tender.


propagation_en: Sow seed at 21-27°C (70-81°F) when ripe. Divide in spring.

pests_en: Susceptible to various fungi and prone to aphids.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Zantedeschia (ザンテデスキア)

2019 edition

C Level
Family サトイモ
園芸名として別属 Calla の名を使用

2003 edition

C Level
Family サトイモ

1986 edition

B Level
Family サトイモ

comment: Trop. and S. Africa

comment_ja: オランダカイウ,カラー(calla)


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2020-09-04 03:56


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Araceae サトイモ科 Show
PB2 Araceae サトイモ科 Show
PB3 Araceae サトイモ科 Show

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