Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Aesculus L. [25]

genus_ja: トチノキ

genus_en: Buckeye, Horse chestnut

# spp.:


accepted: Accepted

Family: Sapindaceae

family_ja: ムクロジ

Infra familial classification:

distribution_en: Europe, India to E.Asia, N.America

description_en: Genus of about 15 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, mainly from woodland in S.E. Europe, the Himalayas, E. Asia, and North America. They have opposite, palmate leaves, mostly mid- to dark green, some turning deep yellow or red in autumn. Large, upright, conical to cylindrical panicles of 4- or 5-petalled flowers, each 1.5-3cm (1/2-1 1/4in) across, with prominent stamens, are borne usually in late spring and early summer. The spiny or smooth-skinned, rounded to pear-shaped fruits contain 1 or 2 large, usually brown or blackish brown seeds. Most horse chestnuts are suitable only for large gardens, where they are best planted as specimen trees, although A. x mutabilis ’Induta’ and A. parviflora may be grown in a medium-sized garden. All parts may cause mild stomach upset if ingested.

hardiness_en: Most are fully hardy. A. californica and A. indica will be damaged below -15°C (5°F).


propagation_en: Sow seed in a seedbed as soon as ripe. A. x carnea comes true from seed. Graft in late winter or bud in summer. Propagate A. parviflora from suckers.

pests_en: Prone to canker, coral spot, leaf blotch, and scale insects.


The essential 1000 genera certification Genus Aesculus (アエスクルス)

2019 edition

A Level
Family ムクロジ

2003 edition

B Level
Family トチノキ
トチノキ,マロニエ(marronnier, 仏)

1986 edition

B Level
Family トチノキ


comment_ja: トチノキ,マロニエ(marronnier, 仏)


Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2022-03-09 15:20


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Sapindaceae ムクロジ科 Show
PB2 Hippocastanaceae トチノキ科 Show
PB3 Sapindaceae ムクロジ科 Show

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