Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Petrophile [2593]



# spp.:



Family: Proteaceae

family_ja: ヤマモガシ

Infra familial classification:


description_en: Genus of about 40 species of evergreen shrubs, allied to Isopogon, occurring on heathland, in woodland, and on cliffs, in rocky or sandy soil in Australia. The alternate leaves are linear to broadly triangular, simple, lobed, or pinnate or 2-pinnate, and rigidly leathery. They are cultivated for their unusual flowers, borne in dense spikes or cone-like clusters, surrounded by small bracts, from winter to spring. Each flower is tubular in bud, then splits open to the base into 4 rolled sepals, each with a stamen attached. When the flowers fade, the bracts enlarge and become woody, enclosing the seed pods. In frost-prone areas, grow in a well-ventilated cool greenhouse. In warmer climates, use in a shrub border.

hardiness_en: Frost tender, although may survive short spells at 0°C (32°F).


propagation_en: Sow seed at 18°C (64°F) in spring. Take semi-ripe cuttings with bottom heat in summer.

pests_en: Prone to Phytophthora root rot when grown in moist soil and high humidity.





Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2010-06-04 18:58; Updated: 2020-07-05 11:42


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Proteaceae ヤマモガシ科 Show
PB2 Proteaceae ヤマモガシ科 Show
PB3 Proteaceae ヤマモガシ科 Show

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