Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Eriophyllum [2380]


genus_en: Golden yarrow, Woolly sunflower

# spp.:



Family: Asteraceae

family_ja: キク

Infra familial classification:


description_en: Genus of about 12 species of annuals, perennials, and subshrubs occurring mostly in open, sandy scrub, often in mountainous areas, in W. North America. They have alternate, deeply toothed or pinnatifid, white-hairy leaves, and bear cymes or corymbs of daisy-like flowerheads on upright stems, mainly in summer. Grow in a rock garden, at the front of a border, on a dry wall, or in paving crevices. E. lanatum may overwhelm smaller alpines and should be sited with care.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost hardy.


propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in an open frame in autumn, or divide in spring.

pests_en: Susceptible to slugs and snails; birds use the foliage as nesting material.





Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2010-06-04 18:58; Updated: 2020-07-05 11:41


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Asteraceae キク科 Show
PB2 Asteraceae キク科 Show
PB3 Asteraceae キク科 Show

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