Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Edraianthus A.DC. [2366]


genus_en: Grassy bells

# spp.: 21

pub_year: 1839

accepted: Accepted

Family: Campanulaceae

family_ja: キキョウ

Infra familial classification: Subfamily Campanuloideae

data_sourceKind of informationNote
Kew Gardens (2017) Plants of the world online (POWO). Accessed on 22 Aug 2023Scientific name & others Show this data_source

distribution_en: SE. Europe

description_en: Genus of about 24 species of generally short-lived, herbaceous and evergreen perennials, closely allied to, and sometimes included in Wahlenbergia. They occur in well-drained, sunny habitats, sometimes in mountainous areas, from the Mediterranean region to the Caucasus. Delicate, bell-shaped flowers, surrounded by leafy bracts, are produced singly or in terminal heads in summer. The tufted, grass-like leaves usually arise from a central rootstock and, in winter, plants are often reduced to a small, resting bud, which is just visible on each rootstock. Suitable for a rock garden, scree bed, trough, alpine house, or dry wall.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy.


propagation_en: Sow seed in containers in an open frame in autumn, or take softwood cuttings from sideshoots in early summer.

pests_en: Susceptible to aphids and red spider mites under glass, and to slugs and snails outdoors.





Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2010-06-04 18:58; Updated: 2023-08-22 12:13 by


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
PB2 Campanulaceae キキョウ科 Subfamily Campanuloideae Show
PB3 Campanulaceae キキョウ科 Subfamily Campanuloideae Show
APG4 Accepted Campanulaceae キキョウ科 Subfamily Campanuloideae 21 Show

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