Chiba University Matsudo/Kashiwa Campus Plant Database

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Details of genus: Athrotaxis [2204]


genus_en: Tasmanian cedar

# spp.:



Family: Taxodiaceae

family_ja: スギ

Infra familial classification:


description_en: Genus of 2 species and 1 natural hybrid of evergreen, coniferous trees, restricted to mountainous areas of W. Tasmania, Australia, where they grow in rocky gullies, on exposed ridges, or around lakes. They have fissured, red- to grey-brown bark, flaking in long shreds, and scale-like or ovate leaves, arranged in spirals, and lying flat to the shoots or spreading. Cones are spherical or ovoid, and green, ripening to brown at the end of the first year. The female cones have 10-16 scales. Useful as small specimen trees, these conifers thrive in areas with cool, humid summers.

hardiness_en: Fully hardy to frost hardy.


propagation_en: Sow seed in a seedbed or in containers in a cold frame in late winter or early spring. Root semi-ripe cuttings in late summer.

pests_en: Trouble free.





Phylogenetic definition:

Update Information: Created: 2010-06-04 18:58; Updated: 2020-07-05 11:41


SystemAccepted?Scientific nameJapanese nameInfra-familial classification# species
APG4 Taxodiaceae スギ科 Show
PB2 Taxodiaceae スギ科 Show
PB3 Taxodiaceae スギ科 Show

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