Details of genus: Dimorphotheca [1052]
genus_en: African daisy
# spp.:
Family: Asteraceae
family_ja: キク
Infra familial classification:
description_en: Genus of 7 species of low-branching, erect annuals or evergreen, subshrubby perennials occurring in open, semi-arid, sandy areas in tropical Africa and South Africa, closely related to Osteospermum and at one time considered to include species now placed in that genus. All produce alternate, obovate to inversely lance-shaped, entire to pinnatisect, wavy-margined, toothed leaves, and daisy-like flowerheads, on stiff stems, that close in dull weather. They are attractive container, bedding, or border plants, fl9wering from summer until first frosts. The perennial species may also be treated as annuals.
hardiness_en: Half hardy.
propagation_en: Sow seed at 18°C (64°F) in early spring and plant out seedlings when danger of frost has passed, or sow in situ in mid-spring.
pests_en: Grey mould (Botrytis) may be a problem.
comment_ja: ディモルフォセカ
Phylogenetic definition:
Update Information: Created: 2007-12-06 12:51; Updated: 2020-09-04 03:56
System | Accepted? | Scientific name | Japanese name | Infra-familial classification | # species | |
APG4 | Asteraceae | キク科 | Show | |||
PB2 | Asteraceae | キク科 | Show | |||
PB3 | Asteraceae | キク科 | Show |