Details of data_source
title: Molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Andean genus Aylostera Speg. (Cactaceae, Trichocereeae), a new classification and a morphological identification key
creator: Ritz, Christiane M.; Karl Fickenscher; Jens Föller; Katja Herrmann; Rainer Mecklenburg; Rainer Wahl
subject: phylogeny
publisher: Plant Systematics and Evolution
pub_date: 2016-08
identifier: doi: 10.1007/s00606-016-1296-4
language: en
bib_citation: Ritz et al. (2016) Molecular phylogenetic of Aylostera. Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 763–780.
sort_name: RITZ 2016
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