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*: 入力画面のドロップダウンメニューに含める
Id 題名 著者 ソート名 出版日 識別子 (ISBN, ISSN, DOI, URL, etc.) Menu*
15 原色日本植物図鑑 木本編 Kitamura, Shiro; Murata, Gen JAPANESE WOODY PLANTS 詳細
111 Molecular phylogenetics of Hypoxidaceae – Evidence from plastid DNA data and inferences on morphology and biogeography Kocyan, Alexander; Deirdre A. Snijman; Félix Forest; Dion S. Devey; John V. Freudenstein; Justyna Wiland-Szymańska; Mark W. Chase; Paula J. Rudall KOCYAN 2011 2011 doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.02.021 詳細
19 The Lachenalia Handbook Duncan, Graham D. LACHENALIA HANDBOOK 1988 ISBN0-620-11953-5 詳細
9 El nuevo libro del Árbol I LIBRO DEL ARBOL I 詳細
10 El nuevo libro del Árbol II LIBRO DEL ARBOL II 詳細
85 RHS The International Lily Register and Checklist 2007 Victoria Matthews (compiled) LILY CHECHLIST 2007 ISBN 978-1-902896-80-9 詳細
102 Phylogenomic analyses of the Photinia complex support the recognition of a new genus Phippsiomeles and the resurrection of a redefined Stranvaesia in Maleae (Rosaceae) Liu, Bin‐Bin; De‐Yuan Hong; Shi‐Liang Zhou; Chao Xu; Wen‐Pan Dong; Gabriel Johnson; Jun Wen LIU 2019 2019 10.1111/jse.12542 詳細
74 Anthocyanin Profiles in Flowers of Grape Hyacinth Lou, Qian; Wang, Lin; Liu, Hongli; Liu, Yali LOU, 2017 2017-04-26 doi: 10.3390/molecules22050688 詳細
83 Untangling phylogenetic patterns and taxonomic confusion in tribe Caryophylleae (Caryophyllaceae) with special focus on generic boundaries Madhani, Hossein; Richard Rabeler; Atefeh Pirani; Bengt Oxelman; Guenther Heubl; Shahin Zarre MADHANI, 2018 2018-02 doi: 10.12705/671.6 詳細
82 Phylogenetic relationships of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) inferred from multiple chloroplast and nuclear loci Malekmohammadi, Maryam; Hossein Akhani; Thomas Borsch MALEKMOHAMMADI, 2017 2017-10 doi: 10.12705/665.8 詳細
117 A Molecular Phylogeny and Generic Classification of Asphodelaceae subfamily Alooideae: A Final Resolution of the Prickly Issue of Polyphyly in the Alooids?. Manning, John; Boatwright, James S.; Daru, Barnabas H.; Maurin, Olivier; van der Bank, Michelle MANNING 2014 2014-03-01 doi: /www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1600/036364414X678044 詳細
24 Maples of the world van Gelderen, D.M.; de Jong, P.C.; Oterdoom, H.J. MAPLE 1994 詳細
114 三河の植物観察 Flora of Mikawa Flora of Mikawa MIKAWA 2024 https://mikawanoyasou.org/index.shtml 詳細
53 維管束植物分類表 邑田 仁、米倉浩司 MURATA 2013-04-25 ISBN 978-4-8326-0975-4 詳細
22 NCGR-Corvallis Vaccinium Catalog USDA NCGR-CORVALLIS VACCINIUM CATALOG 2007-04-05 http://www.ars-grin.gov/cor/catalogs/vacblue.html 詳細
116 Ziziphus segregates in the USA and Mexico, including Sarcomphalus, Condaliopsis , and Conalma, gen. nov. (Rhamnaceae) Nesom, G.L. NESOM 2023 2023-09-06 ISSN 2153 733X; https://www.phytoneuron.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/34PhytoN-CondaliopsisRevived.pdf 詳細
41 日本花名鑑4 安藤・小笠原亮・長岡 NIHON HANAMEIKAN 2007-04-15 ISBN978-4-900358-59-1 詳細
7 The aududon society field guide to North American wildflowers Eastern Knopf NORTH AMERICAN WILDFLOWERS EASTERN 詳細
8 The aududon society field guide to North American wildflowers Western Knopf NORTH AMERICAN WILDFLOWERS WESTERN 詳細
43 Reassignment of Species of Paraphyletic Junellia s. l. to the New Genus Mulguraea (Verbenaceae) and New Circumscription of Genus Junellia: Molecular and Morphological Congruence O’Leary, Nataly; Yao-Wu Yuan; Amelia Chemisquy; Richard G. Olmstead O’LEARY2009 2009 詳細
98 Molecular phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of tribe Neillieae (Rosaceae) using DNA sequences of cpDNA, rDNA, and LEAFY Oh, Sang-Hun; Daniel Potter OH, 2005 2005-01 10.3732/ajb.92.1.179 詳細
78 植物分類表 大場秀章 OHBA 2009 2009-11-20 ISBN 978-4-099358-61-4 詳細
109 840. Rosa hirtula Ohba, Hideaki OHBA 2016 2016-11-21 doi: 10.1111/curt.12152 詳細
108 Pacific Bulb Society Web Page Pacific Bulb Society PACIFIC BULB SOCIETY https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/HomePage 詳細
92 Resolved phylogeny of Cleomaceae based on all three genomes Patchell, Melanie J.; Eric H. Roalson; Jocelyn C. Hall PATCHELL 2014 2014-04 doi: 10.12705/632.17 詳細

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